The Sales Vault

Author: Bill Farquharson

Time Management is a Bag of Flour

We are all in the unfortunate habit of turning one task into two, two into five, and five into ten. What we need is a practical way to manage all of these great ideas that pop into our heads during the day. In this week’s Short Attention Span Sales Tip, Bill Farquharson offers one up.

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When That Much is Too Much

When it comes to communicating delivery details with a customer, don’t make the mistakes Bill Farquharson’s dentist makes else your clients might take the action Bill is planning for his reminder-heavy tooth factory.

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Avoiding the Price Objection

Not all price objections occur during bidding. Sometimes, it’s an existing account who is demanding a reduction. To avoid that situation, take Bill Farquharson’s advice in this week’s Short Attention Span Sales Tip.

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Best Sales Advice for a Newbie

At a dinner party, a young sales rep asked Bill Farquharson, “What advice would you give me, just starting out?” At first, Bill gave one answer. But then he changed his thinking to a skill we all need to obtain, and quickly. Find out more in this week’s Short Attention Span Sales Tip.

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Sales & AI | Feb 6th Insider Replay

Watch the replay of Bill Farquharson’s Sales & AI Feb 6th Insider workshop, a follow up to the January 9th workshop, with special guest Linda Bishop, Author of “The ChatGPT Sales Playbook: Revolutionizing Sales with AI”.

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