The Sales Vault

Author: Bill Farquharson

The 50% No-Show Appointment

While waiting on half of the invited-and-confirmed meeting members, Bill Farquharson cranked out a blog tip so you don’t have to sit and wait for half of your next meeting to show up and ultimately not show.

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Eight No’s and a Yes

What does it take to get an appointment? A lot of the wrong responses, each looking negative. Take Bill Farquharson’s advice from this week’s Short Attention Span Sales Tip and follow the no’s to a yes.

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How to REALLY Get Organized

No general goes into battle without a plan. No scientist performs research without a plan. And no sales rep should begin a week without having first read Bill Farquharson’s blog this week.

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Sales Opportunities Abound

Leads arrive in the mail every day. You walk past your next potential sale every time you go to the store. A conversation with a friend leads to an appointment. Keep your head up, listen to Bill Farquharson’s Short Attention Sales Tip, and good things will happen.

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How would you manage you?

Imagine if you could go back to your teen years knowing what you know now and say to your parents, “Here’s how to parent me.” As a sales rep, you have that chance. In this week’s blog, Bill Farquharson advises you on getting more from your manager.

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Sales Energy

Most of Bill Farquharson’s Short Attention Span Sales Tips are written and recorded in the morning. This one was done after 4pm. Find out why that is relevant when it comes to planning your day.

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No one is returning my calls!

Yep, this is definitely an issue. Over the years, various forms of, “No one is returning my calls” has become a top sales challenge. So, first, understand this: You are not alone. Feel better? Probably not. So, let’s dive deeper…

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