The Sales Vault

Author: Bill Farquharson

Summer Sales Plan

Finally! We reach the week that includes the Fourth of July. If you have been following Bill Farquharson’s advice, you will not experience a summer slowdown. In this week’s Short Attention Span Sales Tip, Bill gives you a focal point to finishing the year strong.

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Language, Please

Bad language has a place in today’s world. Joe Pesci isn’t Joe Pesci without the use of, um, colorful language. But in business, where is the line? That’s the question Bill Farquharson explores carefully in this week’s blog.

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Get Your Sales Jersey Dirty

New sales reps and those trying to get to the next level don’t need to be told to practice daily sales activities. It’s the legacy reps heavily focused on managing existing accounts who need to hear the message in this Bill Farquharson Short Attention Span Sales Tip.

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Email and Sales Apps and Teams, Oh My!

There are many, many, MANY communications channels in use. In this week’s Short Attention Span Sales Tip, Bill Farquharson gives you a communications pecking order to set expectations and mitigate the possibility someone is out there awaiting a response to a message you never saw.

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