The Sales Vault

An Exclusive Sales Vault Group

New to Sales

Getting started in sales can be a lonely voyage. Benefit from the camaraderie and community you'll find with this swiftly growing group of new sales reps and selling owners who meet biweekly to share successes, strategies and provide each other with support.

Exclusively for Sales Vault Members, here's how it works:

Everyone brings one sales challenge and receives instantly-applicable ideas. Recent discussion points have been:
  • Overcoming self-doubt
  • Work/Life balance
  • The fear of selling
  • Beating Imposter Syndrome
  • How to build a client base fast
  • What to do with a bully client

What are you waiting for?

New to Sales Group Participants Rave About The Sales Vault!

Sales is hard. Ever since joining Bill’s new to sales group, it has been refreshing to talk about the challenges, and solutions other colleagues are currently experiencing. We’re all learning and growing in this process together. That’s what it’s all about.
Ricky Merrell
Account Executive | National Graphics
I am immensely grateful for the invaluable experience and knowledge that the New to Sales Group has provided me with. Engaging with Bill and the other professionals within the group has truly expanded my understanding and given me a broader perspective on the daily struggles faced in sales. The group's collective wisdom and shared insights have equipped me with a deeper understanding of the challenges that arise in this field, allowing me to approach my work with greater confidence and effectiveness. I am truly thankful for the opportunity to be a part of this exceptional group, as it has undeniably enhanced my sales acumen and opened doors to a bigger and better scope of possibilities.
Carina Bieber
Sales Representative | Signarama of North Denver
Joining Bill's New to Sales group reminded me that I am not alone. This career isn't easy, especially when you are just starting out. We all face challenges, but through this group, we are able to help each other and lift each other up. One step at a time is all it takes.
Caroline Baker
Business Development Specialist | Alphagraphics
I am so thankful I joined The Sales Vault! I knew I was gaining access to a ton of material to help me in my new sales venture, but I did not know that it would also come with a New to Sales Group zoom meeting with other new sales professionals. It has given me so much confidence to hear that others share the same struggles that I experience in my day to day activities. The group is always helpful to share insights to the things that have helped them along the way. I feel like I gained so much more than just material to look at. I gained a community that is there to help every step of the way! Thank you!
Kevin Perkins
Account Representative | Holley's Printing

Upcoming New to Sales Group Sessions

New to Sales Group meets every other week:

More Live Workshops

Why the most successful sales reps love the Sales Vault

Trusted by thousands of companies

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