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The Sales Challenge Blog

New blog articles by Bill Farquharson released every Tuesday.  Search by topic below or read this week’s blog now

Prospecting for Legacy Reps

Legacy sales reps have a lot of positive attributes, but prospecting for new customers is not one of them. They make a lot of excuses. After they read Bill Farquharson’s blog, they will have one less.

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 A Much-Needed LinkedIn Exchange

If Bill Farquharson ran the world, he’d make a few changes. Baseball would lose the Designated Hitter. Perfect weather days would result in a paid day off. The next item on his wish list is something he’s been championing for years. Find out in this week’s blog.

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Focus Time

Sell more in less time. Work less, do more. These statements epitomize the goal of time management. In this week’s blog, Bill Farquharson provides another clue to get you one step closer.

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3 Things a Legacy Rep Should Avoid

If all goes to plan, a sales rep builds a book of business and works it for years to come. The End. But in real life, it doesn’t quite work like that. In this week’s blog, Bill Farquharson gives legacy reps three things to think about…and avoid.

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Bosses Do NOT Want to Hear This, But…

Receiving an invitation to a client event is a good indicator you are a valued vendor. Hearing someone say, “I see you here a lot. Do you work here?” is a good indicator you are properly servicing the account. There is a third sign of sales effectiveness, but Bill Farquharson guarantees your boss will not like it. Read this week’s blog for more.

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3 Things to Tell a New Sales Rep

Oh, to be able to go back in time and have a conversation with a version of you who is just starting out in sales. In this week’s blog, Bill rattles off three ideas for getting a new rep set up for success.

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The Remains of the Sales Day

The best time manager in the Farquharson family wasn’t Bill or new print company owner Andy. It was their mother. In Bill’s blog this week, learn how she used the remains of the day to get ’er done.

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And This Time, I Mean It!

2023 seemed so far away, didn’t it? Suddenly, we are making New Year’s Eve plans, frantically calling accountants for advice, looking back on 2022, and thinking about the changes we will make moving forward.

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I Quit…For the Day

Like many, a client of Bill Farquharson found himself working from home for the first time recently. His biggest challenge? Shutting down at the end of the day. With 40 years’ experience in this area, Bill had two ideas and shares them in this week’s blog.

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Sales in Slow-Mo

Sometimes a complicated and expensive marketing campaign can’t do what a simple idea Bill Farquharson puts forward in his blog this week can.

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How to Get Anyone to Like You

We all do it. It’s a natural reaction. And yet, by doing it, you say to others, “I am not interested in what you are saying.” In this week’s blog, Bill Farquharson suggests a simple change that will make you happy, wealthy, and popular.

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Email No-No’s…A Follow Up

On the same day Bill Farquharson’s blog came out about what not to write in an email, a reader/friend forwarded him a disastrous message she’d received. In this week’s blog, Bill furthers his examples of email buffoonery.

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Goal Sharing

Got a sales goal? Great! Now, do you share it and face the potential someone will rain all over it or do you keep it to yourself and go it alone? While there is no wrong answer, there is Bill Farquharson’s sad tale of failure and disappointment in this week’s blog that might give you some guidance.

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Email No-No’s

Offensive emails are rarely meant to be offensive by the sender. The problem arises when they are read and interpreted in a manner not intended. You can eliminate the possibility of this potentially catastrophic scenario by following Bill Farquharson’s advice in this week’s blog.

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The Sales Rep’s Biggest Mistake

What is a sales rep’s biggest fault? What do sales reps do the worst? What’s their biggest mistake? One customer answered those questions emphatically. Read Bill Farquharson’s blog to see if you, too, are at fault.

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Visual Sales Success

A few weeks ago, US tennis player Coco Gauff lost a match to Caroline Garcia in the quarterfinals of the US Open. Watching from across a pizza joint, Bill Farquharson couldn’t read the score but could read body language and was able to see the loss coming well before the final point. Bill writes about how to use body language to portray the kind of success you want to achieve in this week’s blog.

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Woody Allen was right.

The quote, “80% of life is showing up” has been attributed to Woody Allen. As you might expect, it is frequently misquoted. But the core message is a lesson for sales people who are looking for an edge and that’s the message in Bill Farquharson’s blog this week.

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Hire the Attitude

A salesperson can be taught skills, can gain experience, and has a personality predetermined from DNA. None of these are choices. In this week’s blog, Bill talks about coming across a salesperson who had one of those things you just can’t teach and something we all can choose.

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