The Sales Vault

The Sales Challenge Blog

Goal Sharing

Picture of Bill Farquharson

Bill Farquharson

Got a sales goal? Great! Now, do you share it and face the potential someone will rain all over it or do you keep it to yourself and go it alone? While there is no wrong answer, there is Bill Farquharson’s sad tale of failure and disappointment in this week’s blog that might give you some guidance.

I read somewhere that if you have a goal for yourself the worst thing you can do is to share it with someone else. The theory is, they might talk you out of even trying.

Case in point…

Many years ago, I got it in my head that I would love to run a marathon. I was doing some long-distance bicycling at the time and thought it would be a cool bucket list item to go 26.2 miles on foot.

I told a friend who was a runner and she immediately shut me down. She told me how hard it was going to be. She told me I would never find the time.

She completely crushed that dream. Worse, I let her.

Looking back, I don’t regret sharing my goal. What I regret is sharing it with the wrong person. Had I chosen someone different and asked them to support me, I might have a great fable to tell of conquering my goal of running a marathon. Instead, I am sharing my failed story in this blog.

If you have personal selling goals, share them. Find someone who will check in on you; someone who will offer encouragement. Don’t keep them to yourself and don’t let someone crush you with doubt. Take nothing others say personally. Believe in yourself and do your best.

And run, Forrest. Run.

Every sales challenge you’re facing has been solved by someone else. Find ideas, inspiration, and continuous sales growth through The Sales Vault community. For more information, go to Bill Farquharson can be reached at 781-934-7036 or

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