Okay, sure, we prospect to get appointments to learn more to find a solution and to make a sale. That’s the long-range goal.
But there’s something that comes first.
That is, before the sale; and before the solution and before the appointment. In order to GET the appointment — you must get into a conversation.
A sales conversation.
Your task is to get the customer talking; talking about their business and their challenges and their goals. It is from this line of conversation that sales result.
If you are customer-focused and have done your homework prior to the start of the prospecting process, you are prepared for the sales conversation that will lead to the appointment that will lead to the solution that will lead to the sale.
Asking questions early is a good start. Inquire about what you know to be true regarding their business. Once the customer responds, keep asking questions. Don’t solve. Don’t sell. There’ll be plenty of time for that. Just listen.
And learn.