The Sales Vault

Category: Prospecting

Sale-ing in August

In this week’s Short Attention Span Sales Tip, Bill Farquharson gets excited about the month of August and gives you three reasons why you should be, too.

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Everyone loves me…right?

It takes strength to be in sales. We must gird for rejection, endless voicemail, and the hard work it takes to be a success. But there is another level of strength necessary to be the top in your field and it is revealed in this week’s Short Attention Span Sales Tip from Bill Farquharson.

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When a Client Ghosts You

Heard you had a great sales call. Congrats. Know what comes next? The crickets. In this week’s Short Attention Span Sales Tip, Bill Farquharson talks about this sales challenge and others as he offers tips for continuous sales growth.

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Where to look for leads

A quiet week is the perfect time to seek new customers. That process starts with knowing the best places to look for leads and Bill Farquharson shares an idea for that in this week’s Short Attention Span Sales Tip.

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