The Sales Vault

The Cure to “No one answers my calls”

If your calls and emails go unanswered and you are frustrated by the overall lack of response to your selling efforts, this week’s Short Attention Span Sales Tip is for you!
phone frustration

Let’s look Inside the Sales Conversation for the week of July 18, 2022

Working in a bubble as many of us do, we sometimes ask, “What are others thinking? Am I unique in my sales challenges?” If these issues are your issues, why not join the conversation? Here’s a few recent discussions found in The Sales Vault and our free Sales Community on Slack.

1. “I’m not getting appointments. No one is picking up. No one is returning my call.”

It’s been my experience as a sales coach, as well as my firm belief, that you can get an appointment with the prospect; people will pick up the phone or reply to your email or even return your voicemail message.

It is possible… But one thing has to be in place.

There is a skill all salespeople must possess. It’s so important that if I was only allowed to teach one thing to a sales team, it would be how to improve the quality of the sales call. That is, if you have something of value to say, people will want to hear from you.

Consider these two voicemail messages:

Call #1: “Hi, my name is Bill. I understand you’re the person who buys the [x]. I am confident my company can save you money. I’m hoping to find a time when we could meet?”

Call #2: “Hi, my name is Bill. I understand you have a trade show coming up in a few months. I can help make that event a huge success for you and will call again.”

In the first call, Bill is getting into a product/service-based conversation. It can only end well if he has the lowest price. In the second call, Bill does his homework and not only will it be a solutions-based conversation, it will also be at an entirely different level within the organization.

The difference in those two calls is a skill set all salespeople must possess. It gets to the core message from Dale Carnegie’s, “How to Win Friends and Influence People” when he wrote, “You can get what you want when you figure out with the other guy wants and help him to get it.”

By improving the quality of your sales call, you have a stronger message to deliver, will leave a better voicemail, and will drastically increase the odds of connecting with not just a Buyer, but a decision-maker. Net result? A better, more profitable sale.

For my Sales Vault Insiders: The replay for the recent Pre-Call Research workshop has been posted and can be found by clicking here. Not a Vault member yet? Click here for more information and to sign up.  Note: Regional Print Affiliate members receive a discount. Your link is here.

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