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The Sales Challenge Blog

New blog articles by Bill Farquharson released every Tuesday.  Search by topic below or read this week’s blog now

The Real Value of Monthly Sales Numbers

After an especially strong first 6 months of 2024, Bill Farquharson looks back to last year’s numbers differently than the average Joe. Instead of wondering if he was a success, Bill uses them as motivation. Find out how in this week’s blog.

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Who’s Afraid of a Bad Review?

An annoying, rude, pushy customer seems like an easy outcome: Fire them! But what if you fear a bad review? In his blog this week, Bill Farquharson reports on two key points made when this issue was discussed in a recent workshop.

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The 50% No-Show Appointment

While waiting on half of the invited-and-confirmed meeting members, Bill Farquharson cranked out a blog tip so you don’t have to sit and wait for half of your next meeting to show up and ultimately not show.

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How would you manage you?

Imagine if you could go back to your teen years knowing what you know now and say to your parents, “Here’s how to parent me.” As a sales rep, you have that chance. In this week’s blog, Bill Farquharson advises you on getting more from your manager.

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Language, Please

Bad language has a place in today’s world. Joe Pesci isn’t Joe Pesci without the use of, um, colorful language. But in business, where is the line? That’s the question Bill Farquharson explores carefully in this week’s blog.

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Howard Gets Rejected

A salesman is told he needs to make 50 cold calls a day. Day after day, the man drives to an office building, takes the elevator to the top, and knocks on every door he sees. That’s a lot of rejection. The year is 1979. Today, that former salesman is worth $5.7 billion. Find out why he credits his cold calling days and the hope it gives the rest of us.

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One Reason for Poor Sales

If you have a gym membership but don’t go, it is easy to understand why you are not in shape. But what about your sales volume? Can this same thinking be applied? Read Bill Farquharson’s blog and find out.

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 I No Longer Can’t

Bill Farquharson was asked to memorize 7 different patterns of 18 notes in a specific order spread out over 6 guitar strings. You are being asked to open new accounts. Both of you think, “I can’t.” Read Bill’s blog and find out how to change your thinking.

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Loose Lips Sink Sales

A prospect asks, “What other companies do you work with?” You are tempted to name some names, but before you do, you’d be wise to read Bill Farquharson’s blog.

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The Essence of Sales

He is not real. His best friend is a tiger only he can see. He lives in an imaginary world but he sees life with clarity. His name is Calvin. His tiger is Hobbes. And in this week’s blog, Bill Farquharson shows how he perfectly defined sales in one line.

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Why Paper Matters

A certified coach skillfully uses digital options to market her business. But in the end, it’s a paper choice that did what digital could not and resulted in an astonishing 100% success rate. Learn more in Bill Farquharson’s blog.

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How to Make LinkedIn Content Readable

LinkedIn posts build a brand, tell a story, establish credibility, and get the phone ringing. But, if no one reads them, what difference does it make? Bill Farquharson’s blog this week details a few lessons he has learned along the way, including one that will grab you immediately.

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