The Sales Vault

The Sales Challenge Blog

Bad Guitar and the New Sales Rep

Picture of Bill Farquharson

Bill Farquharson

You are not a natural-born sales rep. Bill Farquharson is not a natural-born musician. His secret to success on a guitar is the same as yours in sales, and it the subject of his blog this week.

This message is for sales reps who are:

  • Just starting out, and
  • Not a natural-born salesperson, and
  • Struggling mightily, and
  • Thinking of quitting.

Here’s my message: I know you can succeed. I am absolutely certain of it, but there’s one incredibly important task and it’s entirely on you to achieve.

I have been learning to play the guitar for three years and I am a spectacularly slow learner.

But I’m getting there.

Music theory is one of the most difficult things I’ve ever had to do and it’s truly like learning a new language. Presently, I am trying to master the Major Scales: Six strings, three notes per string, twelve keys in all.

When I first started, the task seemed so hard I very nearly quit. But I keep pounding away and practicing over and over and over again. What I lack in natural talent and an “ear for music,” I can make up for with persistence.

And so can you.

Do not quit. If I can do it, you can, too. Keep at it. Keep practicing. Keep learning. Make the calls. Make the calls. Make the calls.

The secret to your success in sales is effort. It is within your control.

So, control it.

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