The Sales Vault

Category: Attitude

The Benefit of Wasting Time

No one loves a good game of Solitaire better than Bill Farquharson, especially as part of good sales day. Find out how he gets away with that time-waster and still calls himself productive in this week’s blog.

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Biggest Factor to a New Rep’s Success

The majority of new sales hires will fail, and for a variety of reasons. But of all the factors in their recipe for success, Bill Farquharson’s Short Attention Span Sales Tip identifies #1 for them and for you, no matter where you are in your sales career.

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The Best Sales Goal to Have

It’s sales goal season! This is when we think ahead and come up with hopes and dreams for everything from our sales to our finances. Quotas are handed out for 2024 and magic is in the air…or at least was until Bill Farquharson’s Short Attention Span Sales Tip this week. Give it a look and then rethink your goals.

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Three Sales Fails

When a sales rep sizes up a potential customer on looks alone, bad things can happen. In this week’s blog, Bill Farquharson shares three true stories. Two are from years ago —the third one took place just weeks ago—that one stings.

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Prepare to Negotiate

There is no shortage of advice on what to do and what not to do in a negotiation, but in all the research Bill Farquharson did, he did not find the one important piece of advice he includes in this week’s Short Attention Span Sales Tip.

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Biggest Sales Call Mistake

It was the biggest sales call of her life and she blew it. Her material was correct and the presentation was flawless. Still, she violated the #1 rule of sales call etiquette. To make sure this doesn’t happen to you, make sure to read Bill Farquharson’s blog this week.

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Go ahead. Be a rebel.

Phone call. Email. Phone call. Voice mail. Email….all prospecting approaches are the same. But inside you is a different message and in this week’s blog, Bill Farquharson encourages you to listen to your inner John Keating and let it out.

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