The Sales Vault

Category: Attitude

The Longest 30 Seconds of My Life

When a client challenges your price, you have two choices: Justify or lower. In this week’s blog, Bill Farquharson exemplifies that statement with a story about a client who asked him to cut his price in half.

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How to Handle the Charity Request

They come in weekly and sometimes daily. Non-profits want free stuff and, hey, you don’t get if you don’t ask. In this week’s blog, Bill Farquharson offers up an idea for dealing with the requests while still being kind and accommodating.

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An Important LinkedIn Nuance

LinkedIn’s algorithms are closely-guarded secrets. They don’t want you to know how to get your Post listed first. What they don’t hide are the rules to get a Post punished. In this week’s blog, Bill Farquharson shares a key tip.

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Big Little Things

A soccer coach hears his team grumble about a drill run in practice. “It doesn’t matter until it does,” he yells. The drill is run again and again. More grumbling. Then one day, in the biggest game of their life, it did. Read more in this week’s blog.

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The No-Lesson Blog

We take a lot for granted today. Sending files around the world for production is commonplace. But in 1998, sitting in a Sydney, Australia hotel and managing an order that started in Denmark and ended up in Boston, well, that was something special. Bill Farquharson retells the story in this week’s blog.

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Get Sales Lucky

When Bill Farquharson’s young daughters wanted lottery tickets, he saw an opportunity to teach them a lesson about luck. However, like sales itself, luck is a fickle thing. Read more in this week’s blog.

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How to Sell and Parent Successfully

School’s back! That’s good news and bad. For parents who sell, it means running (not walking) a tightrope. Can you do both successfully? Absolutely! Bill Farquharson, the father and stepfather of 7, shares a few ideas on the subject.

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A Common August Sales Objection

It’s August and it’s quiet. Too quiet. So, you decide to make some calls, only to hear a prospect say, “It’s August and it’s quiet.” You can accept that and promise to call back in September or you can take Bill Farquharson’s advice in this week’s blog.

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Expanding the 1pm Appointment

When is midday sales appointment not a day-killer? When you take the advice of a guy who used to put 35,000 sales miles on his car every year without leaving the confines of eastern Massachusetts. Read Bill’s blog for more.

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