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Effective Sales Presentations | Sept. 17th Insider Replay
Watch the replay of Bill’s
“Effective Sales Presentations” workshop from September 17th.
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The Marketing Workshop | Sept. 16th Insider Replay
Watch the replay of The Marketing Workshop September 16th.
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Insider Replay: How to create an effective prospecting process Sept. 2024
Watch the replay of How to create an effective prospecting process Workshop September 10th.
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The Marketing Workshop | Sept. 9th Insider Replay
Watch the replay of The Marketing Workshop September 9th.
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Negotiating & Closing | August 27th Insider Replay
Watch the replay of Bill’s August 27th Negotiating & Closing Workshop
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Insider Replay: New-to-Sales Workshop August 28, 2024
Watch the replay of Bill’s August 28th New to Sales Workshop
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Insider Replay: The Marketing Workshop
Watch the replay of The Marketing Workshop August 26th.
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Chat GPT Sales Play Book with Linda Bishop | August 22nd Insider Replay
Watch the replay of the August 22nd Sales and AI ChatGPT playbook with Linda Bishop.
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New-to-Sales Workshop | August 21st Insider Replay
Watch the replay of Bill’s August 21st New to Sales Workshop
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Pre-Call Research Workshop | August 20th Insider Replay
Watch the replay of Bill’s August 20th Pre-call Research Workshop
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Short Attention Span Sales Tips
Get Your Sales Jersey Dirty
New sales reps and those trying to get to the next level don’t need to be told to practice daily sales activities. It’s the legacy reps heavily focused on managing existing accounts who need to hear the message in this Bill Farquharson Short Attention Span Sales Tip.
Email and Sales Apps and Teams, Oh My!
There are many, many, MANY communications channels in use. In this week’s Short Attention Span Sales Tip, Bill Farquharson gives you a communications pecking order to set expectations and mitigate the possibility someone is out there awaiting a response to a message you never saw.
Limit Your Sales Day
Want to sell more in less time? Work less hours. That was the lesson Bill Farquharson learned while flying to London to meet his daughter’s new boyfriend. Get the whole story in this week’s Short Attention Span Sales Tip.
Origin Story
Companies are started out of necessity, opportunity, and passion. Their origin stories can be interesting, captivating, or boring. Usually, the only ones who care are the founders themselves. You know them, they are the people making the big decisions. In this week’s Short Attention Span Sales Tip, Bill Farquharson shows you why you need to care.
Chameleon Sales
It’s no surprise the hardest personality type to sell to is The Bully. But what’s on Bill Farquharson’s mind in this week’s Short Attention Span Sales Tip is a sales rep’s need to quickly ascertain who you are talking to and adjusting accordingly, especially when you don’t have the luxury of a face to face conversation
A Sales Down Day
Incredibly, Memorial Day is just a week away. That means this Friday is something of a sales down day. Find out how to make the most of it in this week’s Short Attention Span Sales Tip.
Getting Along with Non-Sales Bosses
Learning to communicate with all personality types is a requirement of the job of sales. That skill pays additional benefits when building relationships with a manager or company president who has never been in sales. In this week’s Short Attention Span Sales Tip, Bill Farquharson shares some ideas on how to apply selling skills typically used on clients internally.
Don’t Cold Call
LinkedIn asked for advice on how to cold call. Bill Farquharson’s response was unlike any of the other contributors. He didn’t expand there, but he does for you in this week’s Short Attention Span Sales Tip.
A Sales Team Differentiator
How does a 3/5 star hotel remake itself to be a Ritz Carlton? The same way your sales team can pull together to make a difference in your sales growth. Hear more about it in Bill Farquharson’s Short Attention Span Sales Tip.
Sales Maturity
You’ve missed your flight. That urgent job is not going out on time. Two frustrating situations, to be sure. You have choices in what to do next and how you handle the situation is important enough to be the subject of this week’s Short Attention Span Sales Tip.
Short Attention Span Sales Blog
One Reason for Poor Sales
If you have a gym membership but don’t go, it is easy to understand why you are not in shape. But what about your sales volume? Can this same thinking be applied? Read Bill Farquharson’s blog and find out.
I No Longer Can’t
Bill Farquharson was asked to memorize 7 different patterns of 18 notes in a specific order spread out over 6 guitar strings. You are being asked to open new accounts. Both of you think, “I can’t.” Read Bill’s blog and find out how to change your thinking.
“And Then, My Head Exploded”
Searching for a printer in Texas, Bill Farquharson came close to insanity when he saw the results. Take his advice regarding this simple, controllable task, and you might just prevent that from happening.
A Crazy Idea For Hiring a Great Sales Rep
Everyone knows rejection is a part of sales. One guy has an interesting method for finding out if a rep can overcome an important objection: Rejection during the interview. Read more in Bill Farquharson’s blog.
The Worst Thing About Your Blog
Remember when starting a company newsletter was a great idea? Today, they are called blogs. In Bill Farquharson’s blog this week, he blogs about a blog mistake blog writers make in their blog.
Loose Lips Sink Sales
A prospect asks, “What other companies do you work with?” You are tempted to name some names, but before you do, you’d be wise to read Bill Farquharson’s blog.
The Blessing and Curse of Sales ADD
Imagine someone tapping a finger on your head all day, all the while speaking to you in a low tone. That’s ADD. Now, imagine harness that into a sales superpower. It is possible. Learn how in Bill Farquharson’s blog.
Bad Guitar and the New Sales Rep
You are not a natural-born sales rep. Bill Farquharson is not a natural-born musician. His secret to success on a guitar is the same as yours in sales, and it the subject of his blog this week.
How One Intro Email Resulted in a Phone Call
Bill Farquharson sent an email to a prospect. The prospect called Bill right away. How did that happen? It has to do with something at the bottom of the email; something you can read about in this week’s blog.
How to Get a Vendor to Jump Through Hoops
You are in a huge jam and need a vendor’s help. The difference between yes and no comes down to one business practice Bill Farquharson believes in, lives by, and writes about in his blog this week.
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Best Ways for Salespeople to Get Their Point Across When Selling Printing
It is remarkable just how many salespeople I know and work with have ADD. Attention Deficit Disorder is typically a diagnosis associated with middle school-aged kids who, like me, were once called dreamers, class-disrupters, and unfocused. Are those with ADD deficient of paying attention? Yes, we are. Is it a disorder? Not in my experience. […]
Five Tips I Can’t Teach You When It Comes to Selling More Printing
There are fundamental lessons to sales. These are the basics — the building blocks — if you will. Follow them and you will find some level of success in sales. As a sales trainer and coach, I can walk you through them: Make a high-value, well researched sales call to the right target market by […]
Five Odd Pieces of Sales Advice
When I joined the local golf club, it was only the old guys who played in the Saturday morning pickup games. We called them “golf in slow motion.” Now, I’m that guy. When I started in sales in 1982, we scoffed at the legacy reps who lumbered in and out of the office, drove old […]
Sales Challenges: ‘Houston, We’ve Had a Problem’
Apollo 13 astronaut Jack Swigert’s oft-misquoted words informing mission control something had gone very, very badly on their way to the moon, was easily the greatest understatement of the 20th century. Perhaps had he known the full extent of the damage done to the capsule — not to mention the odds he and the rest […]
10 Sales Questions for Summer
Ah, summertime. Lemonade in a hammock. That novel you’ve been meaning to read. And, finally, a chance to pull the proverbial train into the station, exhale, and think things through. We spend most of the year with our heads down; too busy selling to wonder if we are heading in the right direction. Finding answers […]
Cleaning Out the Sales Closet
A dozen Printing Impressions columns. Fifty-one Short Attention Span Sales Tips. Fifty-one blogs. That is the amount of content I generate on an annual basis. Add to that the occasional white paper, training course, and the various material generated for The Sales Vault, and it makes for a busy and hungry literary machine. Scattered around my desk, […]
Hit the COVID Reset Button
I have AFib, a common heart condition that can cause both arrhythmia and a heart rate that can go from 65 bpm to a sustained rate of 165 in, well, a heartbeat. A few years back, I had an ablation in order to deal with those irritating and dangerous symptoms. For the most part, it […]
Print Sales Lessons I Learned From My Job in College
Here in the Northeast, liquor stores are called “Package Stores,” or “Packies” for short. During my tenure at the University of Massachusetts/Amherst, I worked at Russell Liquors in the center of town, earning $2.05 an hour, thankyouverymuch. Everybody needs a lousy job like this one in their past. You can’t see it in the moment, […]
Your End-of-the-Week Checklist
Finally, it’s Friday afternoon. Another long week of sales challenges is now behind you. Your task list is a mass of scribbles, arrows, and check marks. Sure, there are some bullet points not completed, but when is that not the case? The only thing between this moment and you heading home is that Sales Challenges […]
Surfing for Steady Sales Success
Society in general is set up to believe that the end goal of work is retirement. Put in your 30 to 40 years and you, too, can be on a beach somewhere clad in unattractive shorts, a torn T-shirt, and a metal detector. Pre-COVID, we salespeople, too, had a similar track to follow: Build up […]
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