Special Sales Tip
I may be wrong, but my experience is we have an unexpectedly quiet week coming up. Make the most of it, starting with some ideas in this special sales tip.
I may be wrong, but my experience is we have an unexpectedly quiet week coming up. Make the most of it, starting with some ideas in this special sales tip.
School’s back! That’s good news and bad. For parents who sell, it means running (not walking) a tightrope. Can you do both successfully? Absolutely! Bill Farquharson, the father and stepfather of 7, shares a few ideas on the subject.
When only a very, very small percentage of prospects answer the phone, how can there be any value whatsoever to voicemail? Well, Bill Farquharson gives you a few reasons why you want to leave a message in this week’s Short Attention Span Sales Tip.
It’s August and it’s quiet. Too quiet. So, you decide to make some calls, only to hear a prospect say, “It’s August and it’s quiet.” You can accept that and promise to call back in September or you can take Bill Farquharson’s advice in this week’s blog.
When is midday sales appointment not a day-killer? When you take the advice of a guy who used to put 35,000 sales miles on his car every year without leaving the confines of eastern Massachusetts. Read Bill’s blog for more.
You have a massive and seemingly impossible sales task before you. It is like a mountain. In order to make it to the top, take the advice Bill Farquharson learned when he was participating in a 108 mile bike ride.
Bill Farquharson sat at a stop sign behind a van with a beautiful vehicle wrap. In from of him was a car taking its sweet time before deciding what to do. What happened next is a lesson for all company drivers. Read about it in this week’s blog.
Imagine NASA’s challenge of launching a probe to a location millions of light years away. They don’t know if they’ve done it right for years after the capsule leaves Earth. Frustrating. Marketers can relate. This week, Bill Farquharson sets your expectations in the same way his Marketing Director set his.
“Is now a good time to talk?” is one of the worst ways to open a cold call. Yet, it is the go-to for most sales reps. Bill Farquharson has a better idea and recalls an actual call from a telemarketer to make his point.
Now that Memorial Day is behind us, you need to start looking at an upcoming block of days that are almost guaranteed to be anything but productive and make the most of that time. Let Bill Farquharson explain in this week’s blog.
Sales tips are released every Monday morning. As always get Bill’s Free Weekly Sales Tip at SalesVault.pro. Bookmark the page: This Week’s Tip
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