Good morning!
Do you Zinus? Oh, if only you knew Zinus like I know Zinus. But if you don’t, by the end of this sales tip, you will. Also, you will see why it is a good idea to “shrink-wrap the styrofoam.” Bear with me on that one…
Zinus sells bedding stuff (mattresses and bed frames). I’d never heard of them prior to my wife buying a platform bed and then allowing me to assemble it (that’s not sarcasm). She loves that kind of thing and it was hard for her to let it go. As it turned out, she should have fought me harder as it was an amazing experience.
Anyone who has ever put furniture together can tell you the same story: the instructions were written by multiple committees determined not to talk to each other. It’s a known fact that no furniture engineer has ever assembled his or her own design. If they had, they would rethink their instructions and probably their very existence.
Zinus is different. Someone there took the time to thoughtfully create common sensical instructions, anticipating issues ahead of time, and seeing to it the customer would have not just a good experience, but a great one. If this kind of attention to detail that creates loyal customers and repeat business, not to mention get bloggers blogging about them.
Case in point #1: We bought a mattress from them yesterday.
Case in point #2: You and thousands of others are reading this sales tip or watching it on YouTube.
You might think there is little room for extraordinary levels of service and what you do, but I promise you’re wrong. Whether it’s adding a personal note and sticking it on top of the box or including a thank you card signed by everyone who touched the order. A little goes a long way. Being remarkable starts with being thoughtful and considerate, like Zinus.
Zinus’ “little” included shrink wrapping the white styrofoam on the inside of the packaging. You know how that stuff gets everywhere? Not when you buy from them. They shrink wrapped it! I did not catch it at first. Only when I was cleaning up did I notice that detail.