It’s a Friday in July. You roll your wrist (or check your cell phone) and see the time is 1 PM.
Your phone rings.
“Dude,” the caller says, “were teeing off in an hour and need a fourth. Are you in?”
Your ability to instantly say, “Yes,” is determined in the first quarter of the year. The work you put in this month and the two that follow make it possible for the biggest decision you make that Friday afternoon in July to be, “Do I go for the green with a five iron or do I use a pitching wedge and layup?” instead of “Do I make five more sales calls or answer emails?”
The sun is low on the horizon and there’s only about 30 minutes of light a day. It’s cold. People are in bad moods all around you. The best use of your time is to put your head into your job and put in the extra hours now. That kind of selling effort results in momentum that can carry you for months, given the fact the selling cycle is measured in seasons these days.
We are in sales for reason. Part of that reason is the ability to make our own hours, not to mention take advantage of great weather and great friends who think of us in their moment of extreme need for another golfer.
Now is the time to set your summer plans. What’s it going to be, work or golf?
Oh, and one more thing: Take deadly aim and go for the green!