Have you ever been in a meeting where ideas are offered up and immediately shot down, one after another? Have you ever spoken to someone in an attempt to help them solve a problem and every option is immediately met with a reason as to why it just won’t work? Now contrast that with someone whom others describe like this:
“When Dan was in the room, there was greater certainty, more optimism, ideas and opportunities instead of limitations and challenges.”
It’s been roughly a year since my client and friend Dan Canzoniero passed away unexpectedly. Dan was the president of Gamse Lithographers, a label manufacturer in Baltimore. I wrote a special blog of remembrance and invite you to read more about this special man.
Of the many comments I received regarding that piece (numerous family members reached out to share stories of their own), one of Dan’s associates from Graphic Source, a buying group, sent me a particularly meaningful statement, one that included those words above.
What a great thing to say about someone. Reread that first sentence. Dan was not all sunshine and roses. He was a realist. But he refused to view challenges from any angle other than its possibilities. Do you know someone like that? Do others speak of you in these terms?
On my phone is a November 2018 text message from Dan, congratulating me on my just-announced engagement. On my computer is a copy of my original blog. And in my Reminders are the words quoted above. I referred to each of these remembrances frequently, but primarily the latter as it reminds me (and hopefully now you as well) of who I strive to be: Someone who brings certainty, optimism, ideas, and opportunities to every room and every situation.
Join me. And stay close.