Do you love what you do?
When I was 18 years old my older brother, Andy, gave me some great advice during my freshman year at the University of Massachusetts/Amherst. He said, “Find something you love to do and choose that as your career path.”
40 years later, my love affair with sales continues.
Working from home, I find it difficult to get up in the morning and not immediately walk in to my office to start my day. This whole “Eat, converse with my wife, personal hygiene” habit I’ve developed over the last few months has been challenging. It’s not that I don’t love those things (or that wonderful woman), it’s just that I am so excited about what I do that I can’t wait to do it.
Do you share this passion? Does the concept of loving your job resonate?
Not that every part of sales is downhill with a tailwind. Far from it. This is a frustrating job, one where it’s difficult to connect the dots between sales activity and sales results. But the independence and control over personal income appeal to many of us.
If you are just starting out in the sales position, know that all your hard work will pay off. Keep at it. Study your craft. Stick with the fundamentals. Find a mentor. Seek out encouragement and advice. See your sales challenges as opportunities. Love will follow.
If you are a legacy sales rep, appreciate your sales challenges regardless of your volume or current trend. Get back to the fundamentals. Re-read, How to Win Friends and Influence People. Update your sales skills. Obtain humility. Be a mentor. Love will return.
But, if after all of this effort you truly do not enjoy what you are doing, go find something to do that brings you joy and fulfillment. Andy Farquharson was right: “Work is what makes up most of our day. Find something you love to do and be the best at it.”