Good morning!
I don’t need to tell you the difference between confidence and overconfidence. That’s a job for Wikipedia or your mother back when you got really full of yourself that time. But there is a conversation that needs to happen in the world of sales, one that allows you to understand where one belongs and how the other one can hurt you.
First, confidence…
I just got off the phone with a coaching client, a gentleman I been working with on a weekly basis for 10 months or so. He probably told me his sales were up 157% over the previous year. Over the course of our conversation, I told him what I thought was the biggest difference maker: Confidence. The guy I started working with 10 months ago was hesitant and uncertain. Sales were not going well and he needed to turn things around quickly. Over the course of two or three conversations, we sorted out a number of things and started him on a prospecting process. The relief in his voice was tangible. He started to believe.
Lesson: If you believe in what you are doing, your confidence will lead you to success.
Next, overconfidence…