Life is busy. Your sales day consists of calls and estimating, deliveries and prospecting. Rare is the moment where you are not doing something.
But every once is a while, you get a break…or perhaps you are spent and need a break. Whatever. In that precious expanse of time, I have one word for you to consider…
I was recently doing some research for a presentation and every 30 minutes or so, I’d hit the pause button on writing content and instead use The Google to search various phrases, such as:
“Applications for wide format” and
“Trends of wide format market” and
“The wide format opportunity” and so on.
What I learned is the following:
- There is a LOT of content to be had…for free;
- Someone else has done the work for me. Why should I reinvent Steelers Wheel?
- This exercise was an excellent use of my time;
- Despite the fact that I’ve been teaching this stuff for years, even I came across some ideas and applications that were new and clever.
I suggest you spend some screen time reading up on the various uses and applications of the equipment on your floor. Whatever it does well has been documented by others.
Everyone has a piece to the sales puzzle. Like a contest at MacDonald’s, it’s free and there for the asking.
Oh, and I learned one thing as I’d search:
- A not-insignificant amount of content available was poorly written and, frankly, garbage. I hope no one paid money to have it written. Yikes!