I have an online cookbook.
Did you know that?
In the FarkaBerry household (the name we have given the combined Farquharson/Berry families), I do the cooking. Over the last three years, I’ve created some family favorites. Allison put the website FarkaBerry.com together and, voila! We have an online list of recipes. Have a look. Thanksgiving might be on your mind, but there’s lots of other meals coming up, too.
After this holiday ends, you’ll also need to get back to the business of growing your business.
I have one more recipe for you:
How to obtain new accounts
Thirty years of standing in a room of sales reps, asking “What are your sales challenges?” and 30 years of coaching sales reps has taught me this:
There are 4 top culprits behind a poor showing in the area of increasing new business sales:
- Overall lack of effort
- Poor quality sales call (the pitch itself)
- Lack of sustainable prospecting process
- Wrong target market
The recipe for gaining new business isn’t complicated, believe it or not. I just gave it to you, in fact. What’s more, everything you need is within your control to improve.
Consider those four points and put yourself to the test. Give yourself a rating of one – 10 and then get to work making improvements.
Think about it:
- You can make more calls
- You can create a powerful reason for someone to take a meeting
- You can create a step by step plan
- You can find better prospects.
Any caveman can follow a recipe. Follow this one and you’ll soon be walking upright…right into some new business opportunities.