The Sales Vault

Short Attention Span Sales

The Weekly Sales Tip

Picture of Bill Farquharson

Bill Farquharson

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Your Fall Sales Plan

And just like that, summer was over. Are you ready for the three most important selling months of the year? You will be after Bill Farquharson’s Short Attention Span Sales Tip.
Fall Sales P lan

Good morning!

Well, here we are. It’s the last week before the three most important selling months of the year.

What’s your plan?

I roll out this same message every year at this time because I believe it’s one of the most important sales tips I can pass along:

What you do or what you don’t do from the roughly 90 days between

September 1st and the end of November

will dictate how your 2024 ends and how your 2025 begins.

So, what’s your plan?

When Labor Day hits in the states, people flip a switch. Summer is over. Kids go back to school. People go back to church…

…And everyone gets back to business.

This presents you with an opportunity. Sure, you can keep doing what you’re doing but you’ll keep getting what you’re getting. If things are going well for you, perhaps you don’t need a change. Go ahead and take the rest of the sales tip off. I’ll see you next week…

…But if you had the summer of frustration like many sales reps I speak with—unreturned phone calls, hard to find customers and prospects, plenty of uncertainty and anxiety regarding the economy—then here’s your chance to find a different outcome.

Let’s keep it simple…

Create a short-term sales activity goal. How many calls will you make each week? Make it a combination of existing clients and new business pursuit. Make it a number that is reasonable and achievable and then exceed that number. Perhaps you could remind your existing accounts of your full product line. Maybe you could push one particular aspect of your business.

Finally, add accountability: Include a component that ensures you get it done.

Sales activity yields sales opportunities yields sales results. And it all starts next week.

What’s your plan?


If you need a plan, join the Sales Vault before prices go up on September 1. Visit or call Bill Farquharson at 781-934-7036.

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