The Sales Vault

Why no one returns your calls

Good Morning!

I know why no one returns your phone calls.

I know why you leave message after message and it seems like you are shouting into the abyss.

Here’s why: Your messages are boring, redundant, and just like everyone else’s.

aIn short, they suck.

Before I expand on that brilliant sentiment, I want to remind you that voicemail messages are no longer about getting someone to call you back. These days, they serve but one purpose: Voicemails are an audition. They are a chance for you to demonstrate your professionalism, style, attitude, and differentiator. But they are NOT so that someone can say, “Oh! A salesman called me. I am most certainly going to dial him back right away.”

Now then…

There is precious little that you can control in the sales and especially the new business process. Voicemail is one of those things. So, control it! Use a combination of message and method and be memorable. Be different. Have some fun with it. Be yourself. But if you can’t finish the sentence that starts, “The purpose of my call is…” without discussing something of value, don’t pick up the phone.

Putting these two thoughts together than, making the underlying message of your call, “I’m not going away” and include in the body of your message, “Here’s why you want to take my call next time you see my number on your caller ID.”

Do those two things correctly, and you will soon find yourself sitting in front of that decision-maker.

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