Good morning!
I want to tell you about a response I got to a LinkedIn question I posted in a buyer’s group: Why don’t buyers return phone calls? One respondent posted a memorable comment. He told me that he gets 60 voice mail messages a day. He said, “If I returned every call and gave everyone five minutes, that would take five hours of my day, every day.”
He went on to make an even more interesting comment: I go through and listen to every voicemail message. But if they tell me that they’re going to save me money, I delete the message immediately. Everyone says that. The ones that I listen to other ones where the caller tells me he or she is going to save me time. Time is what I value the most and that’s what gets my attention.”
That last part stuck with me.
What can you say in your voicemail that differentiates, shows your professionalism, and speaks to the interest that Buyers (and everyone, really) has in improving efficiency and productivity?
Answer that one, and you won’t ever leave another voicemail message. People will be calling you!