Good morning!
I am a huge believer in the power of a positive attitude. This belief was underscored recently in the book that a client recommended I read called, Golf Is Not a Game of Perfect by Bob Cullen. I want to share two things the author said, one in the sales tip and the other one in my choose a blog which will be released tomorrow. Here’s the first one…
“William James, the most prominent American psychologist of the 19th century was once asked at a meeting of the American psychological Association to identify the most important finding of the first half-century of university research into the workings of the mind. His reply: people by large become what they think about themselves.”
People become what they think about themselves.
There’s so much about our job that we cannot control. This is one small but incredibly powerful aspect of sales that we can control. If we enter every selling situation, from prospecting to closing with the attitude of, “My success is eminent,” that belief alone will affect the outcome. This is not some mystical chanting. Believing in yourself can only help, just as certain as doubting yourself can only hurt. If you entered every sale situation thinking like Eeyore, “Oh, no. We’re doomed. No one will buy from me.” You can’t tell me that will end in success.
This is a simple message: Put a positive thought between your ears. What is the worst that will happen?
In my blog tomorrow, I am going to take this concept in a slightly different direction by talking about how to maintain a positive attitude even when one bad sales outcome is followed by another, and another, and another.
For now, ponder the words of William James and the effect of self image.
Hmmmm, William James. Where have I heard that name before?
William James Farquharson
Bill Farquharson is named after his mother’s only brother and his father’s only brother. He can be reached at