The Sales Vault

While You Are Reading This…

…your accounts are under attack! In Bill Farquharson’s Sales Tips yesterday, he told you how to overcome the “Happy with our vendor” objection. But, while you were watching/reading it, while you read today’s blog, and even while you read these words, something scary is happening. To find out what and what to do about it, read this blog…QUICK!!!

Your accounts are under attack.

While you were taking in my Monday morning sales tip yesterday, the one that talked about how to overcome the, “We already have a vendor” objection by pointing out the difference between a good vendor and a great vendor, someone was calling on your accounts.

The message in the tip yesterday was to challenge just how happy the customer is with their vendor by asking, “When’s the last time they brought you a new idea?”


The other side of this issue— and the point of today’s blog— is to challenge you in the same way:

What have you done for your accounts lately?

When’s the last time you brought your account a new idea?

Are you challenging assumptions or are you resting on your laurels?

Are you confident to the point of cocky or do you realize the need to continually earn the business of your customers, even—and perhaps especially—the ones you consider to be the most loyal.

I’m going to finish this blog early so that you can process this message and do something about it. Come up with some questions to ask that re-qualify the solution you are currently offering and/or devise something new.


Make sure to say something like, “This is why you buy from me. I will never take your business for granted. I know others are calling on you and I want to make sure you know I am still working to earn that next order.”

This week’s content is all about overcoming objections. Still to come for Sales Vault Insiders is how to overcome the “Your price is too high” objection.

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