Do you see the job of a salesperson to manipulate? I heard that word recently in a coaching call and it bothered me greatly. I remember a conversation years ago I had with my mom and I talked to her about the difference between that and motivating, something I see as our true task and goal.
Done correctly, sales is not about coercing but rather convincing. We need to understand what the client is trying to attempt to do and then sell them on the idea of doing it with us.
I remember reading, How to Win Friends and Influence People for the first time and being struck by the fact that the author, Dale Carnegie, went out of his way to point out the need for authenticity. He said we need to be genuine in our care and concern for others. To be otherwise, he pointed out, it’s not only wrong but ineffective and short-term.
My wife and I recently had an experience with a car salesman (those last two words alone should send shivers up your spine) that was anything but typical. We walked in with one car in mind and walked out with something else entirely. There were two reasons for this:
- The sales rep did an excellent job of understanding our situation solving a problem with the solution we did not fully comprehend walking in the door;
- His authenticity came screaming through his actions and words.
Done correctly, sales is a problem-solving experience where everyone wins. It leads to long-term satisfaction, referrals, and additional selling opportunities over a relationship that lasts many, many years. Sales made through manipulation or short-term and damaging to all involved.
Your job is to understand client needs and present what you feel are the best solutions. At all times, you need to have the customer’s best interest in mind. It’s that authenticity and integrity that will bring the successful relationship you are looking for.