I got remarried last year. A second marriage is a do-over, a chance to take what I learned the first time and get it right.
Over the last 4-6 weeks, local governments have eased restrictions in an effort to reopen businesses. Some did so successfully while others failed or flailed. Either way, lessons were learned. Life does not often offer a do over. Unfortunately, we’re getting one.
As predicted and as feared, an uptick in the coronavirus has forced many states to reign in their reopening plans. While this is extremely unfortunate, it creates a unique opportunity to re-reopen and be smarter about it.
States will roll back and rethink. Business that have taken one step forward will now take two steps back. They will rethink and get it right…and this is an opportunity for you as a sales rep.
Knowing what you know now about how the way things have played out over the last few months, what would you do differently? That was a question I recently threw at a coaching client from Texas.
He didn’t really have an answer for me. That’s okay, I wasn’t done. For the rep, this is a do-over, but the same is true for his customers. That’s the sales pitch to make: How can you help?
We might not know the answers, but we know the questions to ask and we can find the answers together. Get into strong sales conversations by connecting with decision-makers who need your expertise.
Don’t wait for a third opportunity. Hopefully, there won’t be one.