The Sales Vault

Prospecting Bias

Email, voicemail, phone calls, texts, visits, LinkedIn connections...we all have our personal preference when it comes to how we like to be contacted. But with preference comes a dangerous component. In this week's Short Attention Span Sales Tip, Bill Farquharson issues a warning on what to watch out for.

Good morning!

My sales process back when I started selling began with an introductory letter. What followed were phone calls, an email, and even a handwritten postcard. It was multiple touches stretched out over a 4-week time period.

And it worked…until it didn’t. Why? Because people change.

Somewhere along the way, the phone stopped being used to make phone calls. Younger buyers shunned talking and with it, checking their voice mail. The world got colder and people lost the skill of interpersonal communication. Texting became a primary form of sharing and getting information. Attention spans dropped to a few seconds. It became okay not to return a phone call.

And don’t get me started on common courtesies.

Personally, I still like phone calls. I see texts as a nuisance. I love getting US mail but get overwhelmed with email. I’m okay with people connecting with me on LinkedIn, but don’t you dare go from “Thanks for accepting my request” to “…and let me tell you what I can sell you” without at least buying me a drink first.

But because I have preferences, I have bias as well. I like things the way I like things. And I find myself prospecting the way I like to be prospected to.

And so do you.

You are likely selling to yourself. You are choosing a path you’d approve of if you were the prospect. But you might also be ignoring the communication styles of those who are not like you, and therefor, missing out.

Don’t let your own prospecting bias get in the way. Accept the fact that everyone buys differently and work different mediums and messages into the mix.

If this bonehead can change, so can you.

And something else you can do: You can grow your sales by joining The Sales Vault. Learn how to engage AI to electrify your sales process at or call Bill Farquharson at 781-934-7036.

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