Good morning!
When I ask, “Why aren’t you selling more?”, one of the top three answers is, “I simply don’t have enough time in the day.”
Okay, so, that answer is subjective, I suppose. We waste a lot of time doing things that Steven Covey might consider neither urgent nor important in his famous priority quadrant.
But, for whatever reason, a day ends without any—or enough—sales calls having been made.
And then it happens again the next day.
And the next.
Let’s put a simple end to that trend…
In my life, anything that I really, really want to do— be it business or personal— I have to do first thing. Whether it’s exercise or selling or writing a proposal or making the sales tips, I’m just as bad at procrastinating as the next guy. So, here’s my thinking for you:
Set an alarm on your cellphone to go off at 8:30am every workday. Then, make either 5 sales calls or 15 minutes’ worth of sales calls, whichever comes first.
Imagine it being 8:45am and you have 5 calls behind you. Remember, even if you leave 5 Voicemail messages, you have still moved the sales needle.
No matter what happens the rest of the day, you will have accomplished one fundamental of sales success: Diligence.
In order to accomplish this simple but effective task, you will need to be organized enough to have prospects ready to call on. This might take a little set up.
5 calls a day.
25 calls a week
100 calls a month.
Now, it’s important to note that this tip is in addition to other calls you get done. These are pre-sales day calls. Try it for a week and see what a few extra calls does for your sales momentum.