All this week, I will be directing my content towards overcoming objections. In today’s sales tip and tomorrow’s blog, I’ll talk about beating the “Already have a vendor” objection. Sales Vault Insiders will receive bonus content the rest of the week.
It’s the objection that stops you dead in your tracks.
It’s the objection you don’t know how to counter.
And it’s the objection you will hear most often, so you had better be ready for it.
They already have a vendor. No kidding. Did you really expect them to reply, “A printer? Thank God you’re here!”
No, you do not want to be the backup printer.
No, you do not want to quote something they printed recently for comparison.
No, you do not want to badmouth or trash talk.
What you do want to do is to point out the difference between a good vendor and a great vendor by saying something like this:
“I am happy to hear you have a good vendor. If they are producing a quality product on time at a fair price, they are indeed a good vendor. Let me ask you something: When is the last time they brought you a new idea? You see, if they are questioning their assumptions and constantly rethinking and reimagining print jobs ahead of time by giving you other options, then they are a great vendor and to be honest, I hope you never leave them.
If they are not doing these things, they might be taking your business for granted. I bring a fresh pair of eyes to the situation and can potentially present you with a new idea. It costs nothing to listen. You don’t know what you don’t know. So, let’s find out if a better option is out there.”
Those are powerful words in a professional approach to this oft-heard objection.
In tomorrow’s blog, I will tell you what you need to be worried about while you are reading these words.
How worried should you be? VERY worried! See you tomorrow.