The most important part of time management is preparation. You need to be constantly thinking ahead to the next day, the next week, where you are in the month, and even where you are in the selling cycle. With that in mind, I offer you these thoughts…
This blog is something of a repeat in that I have given this advice before. However, I have been working with a number of new salespeople recently and each time I hear myself utter these words I think, “Maybe it’s time to share this idea again.”
Here’s the thing…
Everything that happens to you in sales is going to happen again. You’ve probably heard or read me say that before and it’s true every time. There will be high highs and low lows. As Judge Schmails once said, “It’s easy to grin when your ship comes in,” but when things are not going your way over an extended period of time and that little voice in your head predicts your almost certain doom, wouldn’t it be nice to have someone next to you uttering encouraging words and reminding you, this has happened before. You can do it!
For a job like that, there is no one on the planet more qualified than you! So…
I want you to take out a pad of paper and write a letter to yourself. Imagine being in dire straits, sales-wise, after weeks and weeks of sales doldrums. You truly believe the end is near. Think about what you would want to hear in that moment and then put those thoughts to paper. The idea is simple: The last time you were in the low moment, it was finite. It had an end and it ended. Business picked up, that little voice was silenced, and your doubts were soon forgotten.
You need to remind yourself of that!
Everything that happens to you in sales will happen again. And again. Write yourself that encouraging letter, sealed in an envelope, and then write on the outside of the envelope the following words:
“In case of sales emergency, open me.”
Based on the feedback I’ve received in the past, you’ll one day need someone to believe in you. Who better than you?