Good morning!
A few weeks ago, I held a Sales Vault workshop on the subject of Time Management.
There was one participant—Bob— who was so tied up in knots he seemed to be in pain. He was burdened with requests and office work and quotes and those responsibilities made it impossible for him to make any calls.
Fast-forward to last Thursday…
The Vault workshop last week was on New Business. I started the conversation but Bob quickly interrupted. He wanted to give me an update on his time management progress.
I could tell right away just by his enthusiasm it was going to be good news, and it was…
Bob reported consistently making six sales calls a day all while completing his required duties for the other parts of his job.
“Six sales calls? Is that it?” you might say. Yes. But that is six more than he was making and perhaps/probably six more than you are making on a daily basis!
The tip that I gave him bears repeating…
Have a look at your task list and choose the item that’s the best use of your time. Before you act on that task, however, make two sales calls. Just two. When you are done, you can get to that task.
Once that task is done, before you move on to the next most important use of your time, make two more sales calls. Just two.
By following this advice, the benefits go beyond an increased call count. There’s a noticeable improvement in confidence and attitude. Since success breeds success, making and reaching reasonable goals results in a self-satisfaction that is palatable, motivating, and can be heard by the client.
I want to challenge you to try this tip this week. Keep count of how many calls you make and then shoot me an email on Friday and let me know how you did.
And speaking of Friday, this week’s Vault workshop is called Sales Best Practices and focuses on what makes the best of the best the best of the best. I promise you: engaging the advice in the sales tip is absolutely going to make the list. It ain’t complicated, gang. Don’t over think it. Make two sales calls in between other tasks and watch your numbers grow.
And be like Bob: Check out a Sales Vault workshop for free. Go to BillFarquharson.com, hit the Events tab, and find something you’re interested in. Then, send an email to bill@aspirefor.com or call me at 781-934-7036 and see what hundreds of others see inside The Sales Vault.