The Sales Vault

The Sales Challenge Blog

“And Then, My Head Exploded”

Picture of Bill Farquharson

Bill Farquharson

Searching for a printer in Texas, Bill Farquharson came close to insanity when he saw the results. Take his advice regarding this simple, controllable task, and you might just prevent that from happening.

I’m at the stage of life where I repeat myself more often than I am aware. My incredibly patient wife tolerates me and I’m sure there are lots of blog readers who will say, “Oh, he says that all the time,” but here comes one of my go-to statements again:

Control what you can control.

We can’t control clients out looking for prices all the time. We can’t control fickle Buyers. We can’t control production issues.

But we do have some control over our public persona, and that begins with our website.

I received a phone call from an enthusiastic young man from Texas. He was interested in the print industry and asked my opinion as to where he should start his search for a job. I spoke with him about the industry, and particularly those companies who have invested in the most modern digital printing equipment.

Since I am recently back from the Indigo users group conference (Dscoop), I did a search in his area using key phrases to help me identify an Indigo-capable company he could connect with.

I won’t get into specifics so as not to call anyone out, but the first website I looked at was as dysfunctional as the Kardashians and boasted ©2015 at the bottom.

My web-designing wife responded, “What’s wrong?” when I shrieked!

Okay, printing company number one was a bust, so navigating back to the main Google results page, I tried again. This one had a banner reading, “Your #1 source for face masks and hand sanitizer” on the landing page.

“Are you sure you’re okay?” came after my second scream.


How can we be in the business of helping our clients with their marketing when we can’t do the most basic things, like update a website? I mean, put a crowbar in your wallet and pay for a refresh. Why do I have to make this incredibly obvious suggestion? Make this the first thing you do after reading this blog. And please, for the sake of my beleaguered wife…

Don’t make me repeat myself!!!

The Sales Vault is your go-to source for ideas and motivation. It’s for sales reps and selling owners and you will find it at or by calling Bill Farquharson at 781-934-7036. Wait, did I tell you that already?

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