The Sales Vault

The Sales Challenge Blog

An Assertive Sales Email

Picture of Bill Farquharson

Bill Farquharson

You've called and called. You've emailed and emailed. Nothing. Why not try something a bit more assertive? In his blog this week, Bill Farquharson offers an idea for a prospecting email that addresses your prospect's question, "Why do I keep bugging you?"

Most sales emails are benign and polite. They inform and educate. They are too long, poorly written, and ultimately ignored.

So, why not up your game a bit? Why not take on the elephant in the room and send an email discussing the subject of diligence?

That is, Why do I keep bugging you for an appointment?

Good morning!

Hopefully, you have noticed how persistent I have been in trying to connect with you, and hopefully, you are not annoyed.

Do you want to know why I keep trying? Do you want to know why I am not letting your non-response deter me from another attempt? Here are three…

Reason #1: To differentiate myself.
90% of my competition quits after just one voice mail. If I call you twice, I’ve done something that nine out of ten sales reps trying to reach you haven’t done.

Reason #2: To demonstrate the future
If I am working this hard to get your attention, can you imagine how hard I will work for you as a client?

Reason #3: To portray professionalism
Did you now the #1 reason why a Buyer chooses a sales rep? According to Purchasing magazine, it’s their sales ability. That includes trustworthiness, follow up, knowledge, and professionalism.

I believe a good vendor is as important as a good customer. If you agree, let’s talk. I’ll be following up on this email with a phone call. So, when you see a phone number ending in “7036” on your Caller ID, pick up. It’s me.

Talk to you soon.

Bill Farquharson

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