Good morning!
Need sales? Bill’s weekly coaching ain’t cheap, just effective: “My boss just told me I’ve sold $50-60,000 in wide format since we started working together three months ago!”
“We already have a vendor!”
“We’re all set!”
These and other versions of this common sales objection are show-stoppers for many sales people. We try to be their backup or we ask to quote on something they’ve already done. Nothing. But, think about it. Even if they said yes to either of those requests, is that REALLY what you want? Probably not. So, then why ask for it?
Instead, try this:
“The time to vet a new vendor is before you need them. Given we have some extra time on our hands, why not take an appointment with me now and let me show you what I can do, what my company is capable of, and how I can apply those capabilities towards your company’s goals?”
Of course, they already have a vendor! That’s a given. But sell them on the idea this is a perfect time for a meeting. There definitely won’t be time when things pick up. They don’t know what they don’t know. You might (and probably do) have some ideas for helping them which they have not heard of and received from that current vendor.
One more thing: After you ask for the meeting, stop talking. This is the same advice I’d give if you asked for the sale. Let the silence work in your favor. The next person to speak loses.
Now, go pull together some compelling information as to why that prospect should take a meeting with you. You’ll need it.
One last thought: I strongly believe there will be no summer slowdown this year. I think we’ll experience a steady flow of ongoing opportunities without the typical lag. If I am right, this gives you the perfect opportunity to try out this approach and see if you can’t gain some appointments.
And happy 27th birthday, Emma Louise Farquharson. You are brilliant and funny and beautiful and one of a kind. Your dad adores you!