The Sales Vault

How to Communicate More Clearly

Steve Martin once said, "Some people have a way with words. Others not have way." True, but why do so many of the latter go into sales? In this week's Short Attention Span Sales Tip, Bill Farquharson gives tips for organizing ADD-laden thoughts into coherent information.
communicate more clearly

Good morning!

Like many salespeople, I do a fair amount of listening during the day. I find that there are two types of people out there in the world, those who think and then talk and those who think while talking.

I’m sure we all know people who fit both descriptions.

Lately, I have run into a string of people who—let’s see, how do I put this—struggle to communicate their thoughts succinctly and properly. Some will start a sentence before finishing the last. Others jump from one subject to another. The cause is simple for me to understand, since I, too, struggle with ADD. While it can be wishful thinking to say we need to change what we can’t necessarily control in the first place, we can at least be aware of how we come across and do something about it.

To help, I’m going to make three points on this subject:

  1. First, help your “audience” to listen by saying things like, “I’m going to make 3 points on this subject.” It sets expectations and allows the listener to organize the information you are giving them as it comes in;
  2. Second, strive to think, write, and speak in outline form. I learned this in the 7th grade and it helped me deal with my then-undiagnosed condition;
  3. And finally, bring your thoughts to a close by saying, “In summary….” Many of us stray as we struggle to focus on what someone is saying. These two words snap us back to full attention.

So, in summary: I’ve never seen a study done on this, but I believe a significant chunk of salespeople both suffer from and are blessed by ADD. I get it. There’s a whole different conversation going on inside my head when I’m giving a presentation. My brain is three steps ahead of my mouth. As a child, I had a terrible stutter. I just couldn’t keep up with the speed of my thoughts.

How important is this topic and how much time should you put into analyzing your own speaking style and then making appropriate changes? I don’t know, how important is it for you to be a successful salesperson?


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