Good morning!
This is the second in my series of sales tips that speak to the gift of time we’ve been given by this crippling coronavirus. To summarize:
- You’re going to take a major sales hit;
- It’s finite. This too shall pass;
- Once you have beaten back the fear, see the opportunity;
- Start by contacting your top customers to find out how the virus will affect their business and see if there isn’t an opportunity for you to help.
Here is this week’s tip on how best to use your sudden influx of free time:
Stephen Covey calls it, “Sharpening the saw.” One of the best uses of your time is to improve your selling skills. When this crisis passes, wouldn’t it be great to be better at sales? Imagine being able to gain great appointments with top decision-makers. Think about being a top negotiator because you’ve improved your abilities to close without giving in on price reduction requests. And what would it mean for you to better read people in general? This is all possible if you spend some time each day or each week studying your craft.
There are no shortage of books you should read:
- Never Split the Difference | Chris Voss
- The Four Agreements | Don Miguel Ruiz
- The Five Love Languages | Gary Chapman
- Essentialism | Greg McKeown
- The 25 Best Print Sales Tips Ever | Bill Farquharson
- Who’s Making Money at Digital/Inkjet Printing… And How? | Bill Farquharson & Kelly Mallozzi
And what about online content? The SGIA, PIA, and Napco have all put out some outstanding webinar material. It’s recorded and waiting for you on their website. You never had time to watch it and you missed the original but what about now?
Archived columns can be found on Printing Impressions website,
There are my own sales tips and blogs and monthly columns all available here on
You can find white papers on a variety of subjects, such as selling inkjet printing.
This is a unique opportunity. Yes, it’s a tremendous inconvenience. However your choices are to either lay down and we will cover you with dirt or take full advantage of these additional hours in your day and become a sales superstar.
Next week, another idea on what to do with this time.
If you want to talk, get on my calendar. I can help. Here is the link to book time: Next week, I’ll be back with more ideas for how to deal with these interesting days. Until then, work your way through the anxiety, knowing it’s important to get up one more time than you get knocked down.