I firmly believe the root of good time management is preparation. As I have said countless times before, never leave today without having tomorrow planned. The last thing that you should do every day is to think through everything that’s coming up. What appointments do you have? Who should you be calling? What are your top priorities?
But there’s one more question…
At any given time, it only makes sense that you should be doing what is most important at that moment, right? Checking yourself on that comes down to asking this one very important question:
“What’s the best use of my time right now?”
This question-level sets your activities. You should be asking it all day every day. Too often we engage in our “want to’s” instead of our “have to’s,” and before you know it, we wasted precious minutes involved in the wrong thing.
When that happens, stop yourself and ask, “What’s the best use of my time right now?” An honest answer to that question will put you back on the right track.
Top salespeople don’t work 60 hour weeks. They sell more than you and they work less than you. Ever wonder why? Well, part of the answer is they are amazing time managers. That process begins with a plan for the following day and includes consistently having the right answer to this very important question.
Now that you are done watching this short attention span sales tip, let me ask you something…