Good morning!
Before you set those New Year’s resolutions and think big-Big-BIG, I want you to consider an idea. Come to think of it, two ideas.
Step One: Think small.
Forget about making sweeping promises and life-changing goals that, while well-meaning, are not always reasonable:
• “I’m going to lose 50 pounds!”
• “2022 is the year I exercise five times a week!”
• “I am going to make 25 sales calls a day!”
Standing on January 3, you cannot possibly see December 31. So, why set yourself up for failure?
Instead, make it your goal to think, “What can I accomplish over the next 5 days?” Surely, you can see January 7. That’s this Friday. So, create a goal for this week…
…and this week only!
Can you maybe find 10 killer-good prospects? How about 5 Big Fish to research? Could you possibly call 3 existing clients a day to check in?
A week from today, do it again. Think about the week of January 10 and set up small, attainable sales activity-based sales goals. Hit them and you will feel that tiny bit of satisfaction; just enough to propel you towards your next goals.
And then…
Step Two: Think smaller.
I read somewhere the purpose of your life is to do what you are doing right now to the best of your ability. Me, I am sitting at my desk writing my first Short Attention Span Sales Tip of the year. The purpose of my life isn’t anything bigger than to do my very best work. Once I am done, the purpose of my life will change.
By thinking smaller, you can approach that one week goal you made and put in your best effort, every day all day being focused on doing your best work.
One small success feeds bigger successes. String a bunch together and you have a great week. Keep up the “Think Small/Think Smaller” activity and before you know it, you’ve had a great month. Month after month, stay in this sales moment and you will achieve far greater things than 99.9% of those who try to take on the entire year all at once.
So, what can you accomplish in the next 5 business days?