I am Sales Productivity. I have some questions for you…
What time is it right now? That is, at what time of day are you reading Bill’s blog?
Okay. How would you rate your sales productivity so far today? Have you been efficient or have you procrastinated the morning/day away?
How many sales calls have you made?
What would you do differently if you could have the time back?
Bill’s sales tip yesterday suggested you make some calls first thing. He said, “Set your alarm for 8:30 AM and make either five calls or 15 minutes worth of calls. Whichever comes first.”
Had you done that, had you taken his advice, I bet your answers to my questions would be radically different than what I am assuming they are.
Do this…
Tomorrow morning, try the 8:30 AM thing and then ask yourself the same questions precisely 24 hours from now.
My guess is, you’ll feel 10x better about yourself than you do right now!