The Sales Vault

The Sales Challenge Blog

Where to Donate Print and Signage

Picture of Bill Farquharson

Bill Farquharson

You can’t be in the print & business without fielding a deluge of donation requests. In this week’s blog, Bill gives a couple of ideas for donating strategically.

You can’t be in the print and/or sign business without being pummeled with requests for freebies. Everyone handles these requests differently, but here are a couple of thoughts on how to donate print and signage strategically.

First, establish a process. Create an application sheet and post it on your website. Direct anyone who asks to that application. Ask what they want, what it will be used for, and any other details you believe are important. Establish a donation limit for the year and once that dollar amount has been reached, you can still accept applications for the following year. Having a process like this makes it an easy conversation when the calls come in. My guess is, 50% of the callers won’t follow through so you’ve already weeded out half of the requests.

My other thought is to use donations as a strategy for getting into specific accounts. By looking on a company’s website, you might be able to learn which charities they support. Then, contact that charity. By making sure the prospect knows about the donation, you are sending the message that you care about the things they care about. Banks, for example, spend 10 times as much money on sponsorships as they do advertising. Support the organizations a bank supports, and you are in perfect alignment.

If given a choice, try to donate a sign. Why? A quick story…

A few years ago I was doing some volunteer work for an organization in Boston called The Wildflower Camp Foundation. We took part in a fundraiser with other charity organizations. It was a 10-mile bike ride. Over the starting line stretched a sign with almost 2 dozen corporate logos on it. Imagine being the donor. For the cost of this banner, you get to call on all those companies, ask for logo, and then ask for an appointment so that you can work with them on positioning. It’s a short investment with a high probability and possibility of return.

We should all be in the habit of giving and volunteering is never a bad idea. Using our donation offerings wisely can pay additional benefits (other than making your mother proud of you).

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