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Good morning!
On my way to the grocery store yesterday, I passed a garden supply company. It took me a second to process their roadside sign, but when I did it not only made me laugh, I saw its brilliant simplicity:
“Landscaper not calling you back? Call us!”
As consumers, we all know the frustration of a store, company, or vendor not returning a phone call in a prompt manner. It’s maddening, and it starts the relationship off on a bad foot.
Naturally, we all know about the labor shortage and the reasons behind the delay, but that does nothing to stem the ill feelings. I mean, how tough is it to return a phone call?
On the other side of the spectrum it’s rather impressive when, after leaving a message, someone calls you back in a timely manner. That sure tells you a lot about the value they place on your business.
People buy from you for different reasons. Sure, it might be price, but more likely it has to do with how you important make them feel.
My high school swim coach was a master at making each of us believe we were the most important piece of the puzzle. His superpower was understanding each one of us and then showing unshakable focus when he gave out advice or critique.
Call people back right away.
Say, “Thank you for your business.”
Show genuine interest.
Ask, “How’s business?”
Hand deliver.
Write a personal note.
The need to be the lowest price fades in time as the relationship strengthens. It doesn’t take anything more than the common courtesies we were taught as children.
Sometimes, that starts with a prompt phone call:
“Printer not calling you back? Call us…”
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