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Short Attention Span Sales

The Weekly Sales Tip

Picture of Bill Farquharson

Bill Farquharson

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Making Sales Waves

On a working vacation in South Carolina, Bill Farquharson drew inspiration from Hurricane Nicole for this week’s Short Attention Span Sales Tip.

Good morning!

I spent last week in Surfside Beach, South Carolina, chilling in an oceanfront VRBO and living the “Work from anywhere” life for a bit.

This morning I had a “duh” moment: You need a high level of noise tolerance to live by the water. Man, oh man, is it ever noisy! I mean, the waves are relentless.

Midweek, the bulldozers were busy building sand barriers…obstacles, if you will. They were bracing for Hurricane Nicole. But the waves would have none of it. In short order, the diligence of Mother Nature wore the sand walls down as wave after wave pushed through.

We’re driving back to Boston tomorrow, but before we leave I thought I’d take Frank Romano up on his “Bill, you can make a sales tip out of anything” challenge and talk about the power of persistence.

Imagine making an ocean of sales calls. Think about the success you could have if you just kept up the diligence and followed a simple three step prospecting process engagement plan:

  1. Step One: Make the calls.
  2. Step Two: Make the calls.
  3. Step Three: Make the calls.

The most difficult of those steps isn’t the first one. It’s the second. Picking up the phone a second time or even sending a second email is a rarity among sales reps. Most will pack it in after just one attempt.

You can overcome the obstacles customers and prospects put up in front of you by engaging the lessons from the ocean. Follow up one wave/sales call with a second.

And then a third.

Diligence is the single most important characteristic a sales rep have. It is completely within your control to dial it up and stay persistent.

So, control it.

Be an ocean. Make waves of calls.

If you’ve stopped learning, you’ve stopped growing. Find ideas, inspiration, and continuous sales growth through The Sales Vault community. For more information, go to Bill Farquharson can be reached at 781-934-7036 or

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