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Lunch Is Not For Wimps

Picture of Bill Farquharson

Bill Farquharson

Gordon Gecko believe time spent having lunch was time he could be making more money. But the fictional man who said, “Greed is good” is using 1980's thinking. Today, lunch is an opportunity. Bill Farquharson offers some new thinking in his blog.

“Lunch? Lunch is for wimps!” These words from the movie, Wall Street, became a catchphrase for the over-scheduled trying to justify their frenetic pace. On the other end of the Enlightenment spectrum is an observation by author Malcolm Gladwell in his book, Outliers, where he identifies the source of a Pennsylvania community’s outstanding heart health to their habit of simply taking the time to sit with a neighbor and catch up.

For salespeople, lunch used to be the business opportunity. We would sit with customers and prospects to discuss needs and solutions over a sandwich or salad. These days, such practice is mostly scorned for a variety of reasons. Too bad. It’s a lost opportunity.

So, let’s rethink the midday break.

I have a friend from college who lives in California. He and his two brothers run a ranch, growing hay and alfalfa while raising cattle and their families. To spend time there is to visit the past. Lunch is always spent together. They take turns providing the food and as they eat, they catch up on both ranch business and family activities. It’s an amazing practice.

Imagine a day every week for salespeople to sit together, break bread, and talk. Consider the benefits of this practice. Or how about a company-wide sit down? Need exercise? Go for a walk, either as a group or perhaps management choosing one person to get to know. Allison and I rarely miss a day to walk and talk. We discuss Sales Vault business and opportunities, discuss the kids, and get our steps in.

Heart health. Sales community. Personal connection. Intended and unintended benefits. All because you stopped, took a break mid day, and used just one day a week to do more than just inhale a sandwich.

Put that on your plate.

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