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Short Attention Span Sales

The Weekly Sales Tip

Picture of Bill Farquharson

Bill Farquharson

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Getting to the Next Level

Unless you are in a coma or about to retire, you are striving to get to the next level in your sales career. In this week’s Short Attention Span Sales Tip, Bill Farquharson shares three ideas to help get you there.
weekly sales tip (1920 × 1080 px)

Good morning!

No matter where you are in your sales career, you will most certainly want more. You want to get to the next level.

For the Newbie, next level means survival. This group is the Tasmanian devil of sales, chasing after every lead with near-reckless abandon as they try to figure out their market and their message.

After they get established, this group, along with everyone else, makes it a goal to get to that next level. So let’s talk about how to get to your next level. I got three quick ideas for you:

  1. Study time management— The selling week is finite. You get only so many hours. Getting to the next level means making the most of that time day after day. Increasing your sales productivity comes down to more sales dollars per selling hour. That’s another way of saying, sell more in less time. First, then, improve your preparation, time management, and efficiency.
  2. Study the success of others— What, you think you’re the first one with this thought? Ask around. Find out what others did to get to where they are. As Tony Robbins says, success leaves clues. There are certain to be trends in the answers people give you to the question, “What’s your secret?” And by the way, here’s mine: improve the quality of your sales call to the best target market you can find and then make the calls, make the calls, make the calls.
  3. Study your existing client base— Become a Subject Matter Expert for each of your top accounts. Study the trends in their vertical market and see the opportunities which exist by getting out ahead of them. You will certainly need to add new accounts in order to grow, but this is the best and most fertile place to start.

The recipe for success is simple: Make a better sales call and use your time more wisely. Much of what you’ll need to do is within your control and the rest comes down to time and repetition. At every level of a sales career, you will find yourself being busy. But, as you improve your sales productivity, you really can achieve the goal of selling more in less time.

That’s next level success.

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