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The Sales Challenge Blog

Email Faux Pas

Picture of Bill Farquharson

Bill Farquharson

You email a question to a customer. In responding, the client adds a name to the CC line. That's not newsworthy, unless...Find out more in Bill Farquharson's blog this week.

You send a client an email with a question. The client responds and adds another recipient in the CC box.

Seems harmless enough, right?


What if the original email was personal in nature? Or sensitive information is shared?

There are things in both life and in sales no one tells you. This situation affords me the opportunity to share two such lessons:

  1. First, never put anything in writing you wouldn’t want someone to see. Everyone learns this lesson at some point in their life, especially when social media and short tempers combine. Use this rule of thumb: If you reread something and you think it might be questionable in any way, it probably is.
  2. And second, do not add a name to the email’s recipients without thinking first. It’s one thing if an email was better suited for someone else’s eyes and they were CC’ed, but the potential is there to cause some serious embarrassment.

The bottom line is this: Be very, very careful about what you commit to writing (including and especially emails). The written word is far more powerful than the spoken word.

And, more permanent!


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