The Sales Vault

Short Attention Span Sales

The Weekly Sales Tip

Picture of Bill Farquharson

Bill Farquharson

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Don’t Stop Me If You’ve Heard This One

Bill Farquharson has given you this particular selling advice each year for the last 20 Augusts. Is this the year you will listen to him?

Good morning!

I can’t remember how long I have been doing the sales tips but it’s gotta be approaching 20 years at this point. 2,000 videos and 320K+ views later…


What I am certain about is this: I have included this tip for each of those 20 years…

You know how people say, “Stop me if you’ve heard this”? Well, if you’ve heard this one before, don’t stop me. Just do it…

The three most important selling months of the year are coming up: What you do or what you don’t do between September 1 and November 30 will determine how your 2021 will end and how your 2022 will begin.

If you are reading/watching this sales tip on the day it was released, August 23, you have exactly 8 days to come up with a plan.

So, what will you do?

In tomorrow’s blog I will give you some additional points to ponder on this subject and if you are a Sales Vault Insider, be sure to join me on August 31 where I will help you create a 90 day sales plan.

But, at minimum…

Create a daily sales activity goal. That is, choose a minimum number of sales calls to make every day. Make that number reasonable and achievable. Then, run the plan.

While you can make it far more complicated, it can be just as simple as this: Make the calls, make the calls, make the calls. If you know whom to call and what to say, follow your process and git ‘er done!

Get a plan ready to enact on September 1 and start creating a list of goals you might engage to help you finish strong and come rocketing out of the gates in January.

I’ve given this advice for at least 20 years and it never fails: I get a call in January from a gushing sales rep: “OMG, Bill. I am so glad I listened to your advice last August!”

Care to be that rep?

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You need this...

Trust me. I'm in Sales.

Everyone is asking where Bill got the T-shirt. Trust him, he's selling it on Amazon!

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