The Sales Vault

Short Attention Span Sales

The Weekly Sales Tip

Picture of Bill Farquharson

Bill Farquharson

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A Sales Team Differentiator

How does a 3/5 star hotel remake itself to be a Ritz Carlton? The same way your sales team can pull together to make a difference in your sales growth. Hear more about it in Bill Farquharson's Short Attention Span Sales Tip.

Good morning!

When I was in Orlando recently, my client booked me a Hyatt Place hotel room. Looking them up online, I saw that they only received three out of five stars.

I groaned.

Interestingly, the experience I had there was anything but three out of five stars. It was much closer to five out of five.

Why? The staff.

The room was clean. Not that it mattered, but the pool was small but adequate. The elevators were glacier-slow. And the location was fine. But every employee I came in contact with was extraordinary. And that made all the difference.

Part of what can differentiate you comes down to the people you work with. How your delivery driver does his job matters — especially with your company name written on the vehicle. That your press operator sticks a note of thanks in with the job matters. That your customer service agent says, “We appreciate the business” when a client phones in a repeat order, matters.

It all matters.

Salespeople are notoriously separate (in their minds, anyway) from the rest of a shop’s staff. They believe, “This place would fall down without me” and they are right, since everything starts with a sale.


Reps need to see themselves as part of a larger team and elicit the help of everyone there to elevate the customer experience. Speak to others and connect the dots between their role in the outcome and the desired result.

It is a difference-maker that will put more money in everyone’s pocket.


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